Rainstorms that are rather unpredictable in the UAE have an ill impact, wreaking havoc on cars and laying a mess in the streets. Flood-damaged cars are sometimes repaired and sold, throwing unsuspecting buyers into serious risk.
Flooding damages can develop future safety hazards, engine complications, and a range of electrical problems. So how do you avoid this expensive mistake? Here is a complete guide to identifying vehicles hiding a troubled past.
Typical indicators for flood damage are as follows:
Being watchful and aware of these indicators can help avoid buying a car in Dubai that has a concealed history of flooding.
Examine the body for surface rust under the dash, weld joints with the bonnet, and visible metal parts. A significant amount of rust could indicate the presence of water damage. Water intrusion through the panels may cause distortion or separation of the door panels. Check for bubbles under the paint, loose trim pieces, or misalignment of the door-panel contours.
Try to get a clear view of the vehicle. Look for any rust, thick mud, debris, or any parts that give the impression of being freshly cleaned or painted. These could be attempts at concealing flooding damage.
Always check for thin water lines formed on the lenses or reflectors of headlights, taillights, and even interior lights. The cleverest of vendors may have even replaced the lights, but these lines are a giveaway.
Inspect the trunk, the spare tire well, and inaccessible places under the hood. Dirt streaks and mud formed by water can hide even after washing. Silt deposits in the glove box and behind the dashboard could be found along with some of these signs. Keep an eye out for stains or discoloration on upholstery material, particularly if the upper and lower seat cushions have two different shades.
Carpet flooring can be unsalvageable because of floodwaters. Aim for the carpet under the floor mats and everywhere inside. It should feel even and uniform, not wet, warped, or crumbly.
That smells moldy. A foul, stale odor inside the cabin is another red flag. A persistent odor is a warning sign of flood damage, even if the interior appears dry. Avoid air fresheners, as they could mask the underlying issue. Check the A/C unit more musty smells coming from the vents could mean widespread water damage inside.
The car body is perforated with drain plugs at the door and floor section to drain the water away. If these rubber plugs are missing or seemingly tampered with recently, it can mean the car has been used to drain out floodwater. The following is a complete guide to replacing lost license plates in cases of flooding.
Car electrical items are checked; headlights, taillights, entertainment systems, and cabin lights.
Check for your lights being either not working at all or have warning lights on the dashboard that do not turn on when the key is in the `on` position. Also, look for any cracked wire insulation as saltwater from coastal areas could dry them and make them brittle.
The clutch, steering, and handbrake must operate properly for smooth functioning. Any irregularities could indicate the presence of dirty or damaged facilities or leftover water damage.
Check for traces of contamination/mud in the differential fluid, gear oil, and engine oil. The actual floodwaters may mix with these fluids and change properties like the color and viscosity of these fluids. A brown or milky-white appearance might give evidence of some water incursion.
Start up your vehicle and sniff the exhaust. White or blue smoke may indicate water being burned in the engine because of some kind of flood damage.
After pulling the seatbelts, ensure that they retract smoothly. Difficulty in retraction could be an early sign of some interior degradation.
Go for the vehicle service history if it is available. Any history of parts being replaced or damage being repaired due to water intrusion may cause doubt.
After performing these inspections, there may still be questions about the vehicle. We recommend getting the car examined professionally. Have it inspected by CarBuyers.ae. Our partner conducts a comprehensive examination of the car's condition after providing FREE online car valuation at more than 200 checkpoints.
By following these tips and having the inspection done professionally, you will avoid sinking into a watery nightmare on wheels.
Go with your gut feeling and take whatever precautions possible when things do not seem right with the vehicle or seller. It is usually better to avoid a potentially scammy deal than to risk to buying a flood-damaged car.
With these other points in mind, you will confidently traverse the car market in UAE, sidestepping the expensive consequences of having inadvertently purchased a water-damaged vehicle. Enjoy smooth rides all over Dubai, come rain or sunshine, while protecting your investment!